Our Services
“What was once reserved only for elite level athletes, the PAPC has brought to the
masses with the hopes of touching ALL athletes with science”
– Dr. Peter Gorman, DC and President of Microgate USA
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or HBOT, is a non-invasive treatment that enhances the body’s ability to heal naturally by intaking 100% pure oxygen in a chamber with increased atmospheric pressure.
- The goal of HBOT is to fill the blood with enough oxygen to allow the body to repair tissues and restore normal body function. In a normal environment, the air you breathe is approximately 21% oxygen and it is only carried throughout the body by your red blood cells. During a HBOT treatment, you intake 100% oxygen and that extra oxygen is pushed into the red blood cells as well as the plasma. HBOT is frequently used for advanced wound healing and maximizing human performance.
- Reduces swelling and inflammation
- Encourages new blood vessel formation
- Encourages formation of new collagen and skin cells
- Strengthens immune system
- Helps resist infection
- Brings oxygen to starved tissue
- Increases stem cells in circulation
- Optimizes cellular energy production
- Two Sechrist medical grade HBOT chambers
Performance analysis using Microgate OptoGait technology, determines the efficiency, integration, symmetry, and power output of movement as it relates to walking, jogging, and running. The purpose of gait analysis is to correct dysfunctions in the kinetic chain where overuse causes pain and injury. Gait Analysis with OptoGait offers real time correction using bio-feedback for neuromuscular recovery.
Neuro-myofascial release techniques consist of specific anatomical protocols selected to resolve pain and performance issues that occur due to overuse, acute and chronic traumatic injuries. Using over 300 junctions between nerves, muscles, blood vessels, tendons and ligaments, benefits of release techniques are usually within 3-5 treatments. The treatment of choice for professional and elite athletes, soft-tissue therapy can also be self-applied.
Nasal Release Technique (NRT) is an advanced manual procedure performed by a licensed professional. Our Physiotherapist, Jill Werner, is only 1 of 4 clinicians in Canada that perform this technique.
NRT involves the rapid inflation of a balloon, usually a finger cot, into each nostril in order to exert therapeutic pressure against the nasal tissue enough to increase the size of the nasal airway. The benefit is to release pressure that is present owing to restricted joint motion of some of the nasal and facial bones. The practitioner deems a successful treatment to have occurred when the patient reports feeling and hearing a release described as a popping sound. Often the patient will also exhibit watering of the eyes. The goal of the procedure is to relax the sphenoid basilar joint and enhance the breathing airway.
NRT is beneficial for:
- Concussion symptoms
- Sleep apnea symptoms
- Headache
- Athletic Performance and Endurance
- Cognition
- Head trauma breathing disorders
The Neubie is a direct current stimulation device used for advanced recovery treatment, sport-specific performance and as a second opinion diagnostic tool for neurological disorders. The initial session consists of our PAPC proprietary diagnostic treatment, to determine an individual’s electronic map to plot a specific treatment solution. Once you have the individual’s map, you can change the human body to fix a mistake or repair an injury or improve function. You need an electrical delivery system and nothing works better than direct current stimulation while performing directed and intentional functional movements. The Neubie sends in an electrocution intense enough to lock down muscles and only when the individual overrides this lock down with the intentional movement, can we shut down pain at the target cells. Getting the electricity where you want it and how you want it is a nightmare, unless you have a map. Underneath every injury or neuro disease such as MS, Parkinson’s, Frozen Shoulder Syndrome and Concussion is this receptor mapping. With some very minor intentional movements during the electro stim we witness a mitochondrial uptake, an immediate increase in cellular tempo, muscle efficiency, oxygenation, and movement intelligence. With efficient movement this propagates elasticity, flexibility, power and endurance. Combined with PAPC hormonal exercise, the subjects expect sensory function and pain suppression.
A manual technique that predates both chiropractic and osteopathy. It encompasses 6 zones on the back of the skull along the bone-to-bone joint called the nuchal line. Zones 1-6 are as follows:
- G – Glandular System, operated by the cerebellum
- E – Eliminative System, operated by the cerebrum
- N – Neurological System, operated by the cerebrum
- D – Digestive System, operated by the fourth ventricle, where cerebral spinal fluid is percolated
- M – Muscular System, operated by the cerebrum
- C – Circulatory System, which includes the Lymphatic System, operated by a brain hub the Caudate Nucleii
When a therapist trained in Zone Technique determines which ‘zone’ is irritated on the back of the skull (by manual palpation), four subsequent spinal levels are treated to stimulate the spinal fluids at those levels. The result is a positively charged brain, in balance with a negatively charged spinal cord, releasing the natural healing, which is our innate intelligence.
Consisting of physician and self-applied protocols, SRM untwists the physical tortions of stress, which is reported as unrelentless pain and stiffness. SRM causes the release of nitric oxide, which fuels the body’s mitochondria. A single treatment of SRM has been described as being like a month of yoga.
OTZ Health is a specific adjustment to restore mechanical function between the articulations of cervical vertebra 1, which is the Atlas, and the occipital bone, which is the base of the skull. The adjustment has been beneficial to conditions such as Frozen Shoulder Syndrome, symptoms associated with Concussion, and chronic sedentary posture, which can cause pain in the head and neck.
The Blood carries oxygen. The Brain uses oxygen. The Body burns oxygen. These 3 vital functions are operated by the famous 12 Cranial Nerves which feed information to our eyes, ears, nose, breathing regulators, balance receptors and digestive systems. Tests are conducted to assess and evaluate deficiencies acquired with overuse injuries, trauma to the head and neck and with poor habits of posture and breathing which are easy to fix once discovered.
By measuring the output of CO2 using advanced monitoring technology, athletes are able to determine if enough electrical energy is reaching the right and left side of the body or the upper and lower regions. The information of electricity and carbon dioxide output determines when a treatment and training program is working.
PEMF is used for either a passive or active treatment application using a bio-electrical device which sends pulsed frequencies directly into human or animal body.
Passive treatment involves the person to be relaxed, seated or laying down with electrical pads or coils resting on or around the limbs & appendages, torso, head and neck. PEMF is used regularly in the treatment of concussion symptoms and other head and neck related conditions, fractures, sprains & strains and often in post-workout recovery.
PEMF works to increase circulation to affected areas and on a cellular level is proven to increase mitochondrial activity and energy production of ATP for which athletes strive to increase.
Photobiomodulation (PBM) is the treatment of cellular activity to repair and rejuvenate cells. A variety of PBM technologies exist in order to cover the range of body tissue areas including as much skin as possible and as deep in order to penetrate blood vessels, nerves, organs, muscles and bones. Proven to mobilize our naturally occurring stem cells, PBM is delivered via use of red colored spectrum light or photonic energy which can be concentrated into Class 3 Laser. Treatment using the Class 3 Laser can readily penetrate the meridian system of points on the body exactly similar to acupuncture, without the needles.
Used in the treatment of head and neck conditions associated to concussion and whiplash, class 3 laser is also used directly on facial bone stimulation and as an adjunct to Nasal Release Technique.
We have PBM available via handheld devices, the NovoTHOR whole body light therapy pod and will soon be adding a helmet!
Red light therapy uses a combination of red and near-infrared light to activate a number of biological processes. The NovoTHOR treats the whole body, all at once in 15 minutes.
It is used to treat injuries, reduce pain, relax muscles/joints, reduce stress and increase blood circulation.
High performance athletes use the NovoTHOR to both increase performance and speed up recovery.
Leah Mete, DDEPT, RD
905 358 2080
Madelyn Morgan, MSc, RD
905 351 7160
Leah and Madelyn are Registered Dietitians who can help you achieve your health goals! Nutrition is a modifiable lifestyle factor that can improve client outcomes and performance in combination with the programs you are completing at Pelino Athletic Performance Centre. Registered Dietitians are regulated health professionals who practice using an evidence-based approach. They are the trusted source for nutrition information and having them on your team means achieving your best health! Leah and Madelyn can help you maximize performance, manage weight, and enhance recovery using their special interest in hormone health and anti-inflammatory diets. Take your training to the next level by scheduling your free 15-minute consult today! Learn about how working with our team of Dietitians can help you perform at your best!
No matter how hard you train, if you think slow, you move slow!
Your brain is the powerhouse responsible for information processing and movement. Sport requires the constant process of:
Our goal is to train our athletes to do this as quickly and efficiently as possible using next-generation Microgate Performance Analysis Technology. We can use this data-driven technology to create sport-specific and skill-specific exercises, games and programs unique to every athlete and every sport.
By training our athletes to think first, then move, we help them gain that competitive advantage in a world where champions are determined by the smallest of margins. Athletes will see improvements in:
- Power
- Agility
- Flexibility
- Speed and Acceleration
- Balance and Coordination
- Neuromuscular Control
- Endurance
- Reaction Time
- Brain Processing Speed
There are two tracks of our 'Think Fast, Move Fast' Program that you can choose from:
1. Athlete Development Program - highly customized and low maximum 3:1 athlete to clinician ratio. Flexible scheduling available.
2. Group Program - larger athlete to clinician ratio to allow athletes to train with their teammates. Set schedule times.
At-home program enhancement:
All of our 'Think Fast, Move Fast' athletes, will obtain access to our online brain training software, powered by Brain HQ. This allows athletes to enhance their cognition, even while away from our facility. This is a great tool for all athletes, but especially those who travel a lot or commute from out of town.
Our multi-sport reaction room is our real-time application of our Sports Brain Training. Using a Jugs Small-ball Pitching machine and a variety of tools and applications, our athletes are able to work on their hand-eye coordination, reaction time, visual tracking and information processing in game-like scenarios.
Our High Intensity Training delivers unprecedented measurements in strength, power, endurance and athleticism using unique electrical resistance equipment. The next-gen equipment provides immediate hyperloads or excessive loads particularly during the critical eccentric phases of push, pull and drive to hit fatigue loads necessary for maximal tissue growth. The technology accomplishes this without the overuse or dangerous overload simply because the athlete, weekend warrior and biohacker is in complete command of the effort keeping the workout safe and short. ARX Alpha & Omni Adaptive Resistance Exercise Machines, Versaclimbers and The VersaPulley have proven to recruit the most effort in the shortest possible time. Workouts are once per week sometimes twice and always display the amount of gains measured with real data.
If recovering from injuries and transitioning into high performance strength and conditioning, our High Intensity Training is safe for all ages. We finish all training sessions with Exercise with Oxygen Therapy to help your body recover faster.
New fitness and performance technology that turns hormones into muscle naturally is the Vasper System, which uses blood flow restriction through compression with ice cold stimulation. The Vasper System is the ideal biohacking device, providing the benefit of two and a half hours of cardiovascular exercise in under 30 minutes! Conversion of lactic acid to growth hormone is realized after the first 2 sessions and other positive benefits are seen after the very first session.
- Individual or Team training
- Sport-specific and/or skill-specific
- Supervised by Clinicians
- Athletes will see an improvement in Strength, Speed, Power, Agility, Reaction Time, Endurance, Balance and Coordination.
- Sessions utilize ARX machines, Versa Climber, Versa Pulley, Microgate Performance Analysis Technology and our Reaction Room
- Training sessions finished with Exercise with Oxygen Therapy for faster recovery
- Two, Three and Five days/week programs available
- Teambuilding Workshops
- Biohacking Bootcamps
- Educational Workshops
- Athletic Performance Camps
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
- Cryotherapy
- Thermal Hydrotherapy
- Underwater Treadmills
- Full body Red-Light Therapy
- UV Therapy
- VO2 Max & Muscle Oxygen Testing